'What Do Werewolves Do When It's Not Halloween?' - reveal that would surely be something of a 'spoiler!' I guess there's only one definitive way to find out!
And in doing so you'll discover what vampires, mummies, skeletons, zombies and more do too...all good things to know!
However, some things you may not find out are right here for you now!
(One of NUMEROUS cover art concepts)
The origins of this story are vague but began with this drawing, done and never used for a NOVA radio online campaign! Upon coming up with the design I was a little bit glad the NOVA job failed to follow through as i'd have much preferred to use this character for something of my own.
Fortunately, I eventually dreamt something up!

The only other main source of inspiration for the story itself was...

...particularly the book's ending! It wouldn't be a Halloween story if it wasn't a little scary - and Stanley Kubrik's 'The Shining' was the kind of scary I was aiming for - particularly the lingering afterthought type of scariness!
'What Do Werewolves Do...' was submitted to Scholastic Press fittingly enough on October 31st 2012 and much to my delight, they too wanted to know what werewolves did and thought the rest of the world should know too!
Of course, not everyone who turned up for the 'audition' made the cut - so here for you now are two of the three that never made it (largely due to page number constraints...and because I never bothered submitting a rubbish verse about pumpkins - such was it's dreadfulness!).

The spider's a bit weak but i'd quite like to have developed My. Hyde further...nevermind!
Visually I was largely inspired by old, colourful horror movie posters and a little grittiness from their grim modern counterparts.
This love of movie poster art and an unavoidable overall love of pop culture in general led to references to the following films and TV shows being dotted throughout the illustrations...